Friday, July 3, 2009

odds and ends

getting geared up for the 4th of july weekend! misdemeanors in the park most likely, before off to the embarcadero for frigid fireworks *~*

vehicle practice. pinzgauer from reference, motorbike not

mikey playing ping pong. this was inspired by nokia's amazing viral ad featuring a bruce lee schooling two foolios in ping-pong with a set of nunchuks. a shame it wasn't him, but oh how i want to believe! need to get this onto a shirt i think

moar turtles! and working on some logo designs for sponors of bazooka boy's formula 1 racer. caloil? i think it worked itself out, but the name sounds kinda cop-out-ish.

"hhhey booboo..." working on some textiles concepts as well.

spirit and asorted maxim girlies for hench-wench practice

from magazine reference. i'd like to get around coloring this one soonish...

1 comment:

mel said...

aha the pinzgauer! Is that the mysterious vehicle that your villainous femmes are trucking around in pursuing BB? I had been fooled into believing it might be a vanilla ol' Chevy Astro or some such thing

Your faces are coming out quite lovely...I might advocate pushing the darks on the face a bit darker though to emphasize the depth or running some focal highlights along the nosebridge and whatnot if you are going for the color. Can't wait to see the final product!

O I do so love your logo work...any chance of getting a larger version of the Caloil final?