Tuesday, July 28, 2009


this is swatch #5 for my summer textiles final. the total number of swatches is 8. i wanted to make a really graphic explanation for my swatch collection -- the inspiration being the fantasy Bay Area Football Club. the other swatches are geometrics, stripes or other abstractions, so i was set on making at least one of them reflect some of my figure/graphic design work. the instructor wasn't very pleased i was spending so much time on this piece, and i wager won't be too pleased with the results regardless of how they turn out. oh well.

inks! my mockery for the inking profession beguiles my secret respect for the medium. nothing's final with the pencils until you lay that opaque sharpie down to paper

two color version

three color version. my mind is toying with the idea of a fourth color -- most likely white to accent the ball. but that means blocking out the flesh and golden rod swaths before printing again...not sure if the white is worth it

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