Friday, February 6, 2009

long night in chinatown

thumbnails! here's the plotting breakdown (and the beginnings of the scripting):
cover/PG 1: bb looking out window down on street. femme getting out of cab. bb making smoke rings that form his name.

PG 2: pannel 1: femme knocks on door.
pnl 2: "come in" ["chinese new years outside. setting off fireworks."]
pnl 3: ["one goes off in my office."]
pnl 4: "gong xi fa cai to you miss."
pnl 5: "gung hei faat coi. i'm cantonese."
pnl 5: bb takes swig

PG 3:pnl 1-3: perspective shot from bb (who's only in pnl 3) of office and femme walking in.
pnl 1: "i desperately need you help in bringing a madman to justice."
pnl 2: "dr. macao stole my husband from me."
pnl 3: "you simply must help me."
pnl 4: "aren't you going to offer me a drink?"
pnl 5: femme knocks over glass
pnl 6: bb stoops to pick it up. gets eye-full of gams. femme drops roofie into bb's glass.
pnl 7: "here you go."
pnl 8: cheers
pnl 9: drinks. femme doesn't
pnl 10: ack!
pnl 11: face-to-desk. glass rolls from hand
pnl 12: femme lifts hat

PG 4: pnl 1: blackout
pnl 2: bb comes to
pnl 3: shok! shok! talking in bkgrnd?
pnl 4-7: bb in foreground, facing away. handcuffed, sitting in chair. dr. macao in bkgrnd talking. something about bb busting up dr. macao's prostitution ring? also, start mild halucinations.
pnl 8: bb undoes handcuffs

PG 5: pnl 1-4: pannels start to arc and slouch.
pnl 1: bb takes a swing. dr.m easily dodges
pnl 2: strength of swing bring bb to ground. dr.m growing in bkgrnd
pnl 3: bb in fore. dr.m turning into dragon
pnl 4: same. haluncinations starting
pnl 5-8: all really one pannel. bb swings again, misses. dr.m/dragon snakes around bb with various sfx. leads bb up stairs and onto roof. lots of talking

PG 6: full-page bkgrnd is rooftoop (ie. pnl 2)
pnl 1: bb steps out onto roof. halucination halo.
pnl 2: dr.m leading bb to edge of roof. figures and roof are normal, but ghostly sprites flying through night air in bkgrnd.
pnl 3: bb steps on ledge
pnl 4: femme shadow in extreme bkgrnd. dr.m in middle smiling wickedly. bb crotch in fore.
pnl 5: same, but dollied in. femme shadow reveals she's holding a gun!

PG 7: pnl 1: femme fired gun!
pnl 2: femme in fore. lowers smoking gun. dr.m slumps over, shot. bb in bkgrnd
pnl 3: femme as angel. drops gun. bb moves closer
pnl 4: femme as devil. bb, "you're a bad girl."
pnl 5: close-up of femme and bb. femme, "whadaya gonna do, spank me?" or "whadaya wanna give me a spankin?" etc.
pnl 6: bb w/ sheepish look. halucination halo still.

took a bit to get the pacing worked out...and you know, little things like story, motivation etc. i'm pretty happy with the thumbs, time to get to the pencils now.


mel said...

ooo lovely!! Does indeed warm the cockles of me heart :D

Are you going with straight B+W blocks a la frank miller/hellboy?

I was thinking for these big shaded blocks, it might be easier on the eyes and period-appropriate to go with a ziptone

What's "dollied in"?
I reallly like the pages that have the foreground bg figures (vs the straight perspective gridded panels)--the cover page especially grabs me! Love the smoke idea!

dave said...

i was indeed looking back to messrs miller and mignola for some philosophical inking advice. i'd been checking out tim sale's long halloween run as well, but he's more of an ink-wash kinda guy. the plan was to ink the actual pages and then scan them to add some digital enhancements. adding some zip-a-tone would be quite nice around this stage. so far, 2 pages are penciled but i haven't found the courage to start putting ink to them yet...

"dollied in" is the filming manoeuvre of focusing in or out on a shot. like a zoom, if you will. a dolly shot is in-out, while a tracking shot is following the action from left-right (high school cinematography class, ftw!).