Monday, August 5, 2013

Hieros x Hackafore

With one foot out the door, I've been tackling some of the projects I had put on the back burner.  Finally getting to that black jacket I've been meaning to sew up!  My roommate Kevin, brought back some amazing printed fabric back from his trip to Japan (like, 2 years ago!) and I finally found the time and project to put it to good use!  The jacket is the J719 Satoshi Special, named in honor of Kevin of course :)

The original flat back when the jacket was named the "1849."  The new name just fits so much better!

The self is a black supplex for water/snowproofing.  Kevin got me two colorways in the fabric -- a gold, and a green.  Still have to figure out what to do with the green :/

The lining does fray a bit, so gotta overlock that seam allowance!

A clear view of the interior front pockets.  They were pretty fun to make...but then again, I love my pockets :D

Front view of the finished jacket (all incognito like)


Splayed lining.  Tagged according to Hieros protocol, with a little Hackafore co-branding

Pockets on pockets inside pockets!  Ready to hack forth, box-cutter and red pencil in tow