Saturday, September 3, 2011

take me awwwaaaaaaaaayyy to wear i'm goin'

printed an extended run of 6 hackashirts to serve as take-aways for mercedes benz fashion week(c). was quite pleased with the results, but i only had enough capital to buy small and medium sizes. how hackaforian.

black with red print version.

red with black-print version. i went and attached a business card to each shirts' sizing tag as a little bit extra. gotta make sure folks know who and how to reach me!

close-ups of the hackafornia shoulder patches

1 comment:

mel said...

For some reasons when I look at the new logo I can't help but think:

"Two hack enter....One hack leave!"


The new colors are looking saucy, but darn if that black and red isn't just a straight up classic!