here are the runway photos for hackafore's debut collection at mercedes benz fashion week(c):
look 1. sokol m65 jacket. internazionale t shirt. dynamo trousers. had to hide the inter shirt under the zipped-up sokol. a little too much white for my tastes
look 2. bilibin suit jacket. ostern collared shirt. bilibin trousers. this model was christian from lousiana. got to walk out with him for curtain call. apparently he was working for burberry the week before -- good thing he got that practice before he tried on my burberry plaid raincoat suit
look 3. omega red suit jacket. bayrische tank. alexi trousers. love Love LOVE this! i've died and gone to micromesh heaven
look 4. pathfinder tank. ol' chernomor corduroy pants. wish they would've let me use the internazionale tshirt for this look, but they didn't want ANY branding
look 5. soyuz jacket. volk's short-sleeved collared shirt. bonnie & clyde board shorts -- "only time we wear burberry's to swim!"
look 6. glavkom suit jacket. kapron collared shirt. glavkom tuxedo shorts
look 7. gagarin flight jacket. orbiter polo shirt. koshchei shorts. another hidden shirt
look 8. ronehn baseball t. ivashko 3/4 pants
look 9. 1917 mackintosh coat. glasnost short-sleeved collared shirt. polaris shorts. this was my favorite model. so suave with a pinch of cool and a dash of bad ass...
update: o, btw, this model is corey baptiste. you might recognize him from dkny's latest campaign. apparently some other people like him as well ;)
thanks to women's wear daily for the photos
WOW Dave these look amazing! The range that you covered is fantastic--from the classic, emphatic lines of the Bilibin suit to the modern sporty Gagarin stadium jacket you've really expanded your fashion lexicon.
I must say of all the set, that stadium jacket best describes for me the best of your work: sporty, versatile, classic lines, unique (asymmetry, unexpected color combo), and very wearable.
Huge congrats on the big press! So proud of you and glad you're getting your well-deserved kudos for a job well done :D
holy shit. you should be proud.
look 8. ronehn baseball t is a masterpiece.
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